Quick Printing
Offset Printing
Long Runing
Final Results
Quick Printing
Offset Printing
Long Runing
Final Results
Quick Printing
We love finishing what you start 65.in a world copies printing!
Printing services
T-shirt printing services
Pamphlet services
Smart printing services
for smart businesses
for what’s to come. What’s more Awesome Services
Best shipping rates forprint-on demnd best services
flyingfish yellowfin caberod
Successfully completed
projects for our customers.
Completed Projects
World awards we have become
the best in what we do
Work Have Done
+ 16 k
Worldwide shop
+ 20
Award Winning
+ 16
Happy Client
+ 18 k
2018 Armidale regional awards
2019 Booker business awards
2020 Pulitzer business awards
Customer say about our printing agency
"Efficacité et ponctualité, tels sont les mots qui viennent à l'esprit quand on parle de FOCUSprint. Il se soucie de tous les détails pour vous proposer un produit adapté à vos besoins et exigences. Nous nous réjouissons à la perspective de poursuivre notre collaboration dans les années à venir. Merci à FOCUSPrint"
Direction commercialeGalana Distribution Petrolière S.A.
” Je résumerai la prestation de FOCUSPrint avec ces 3 mots : Proactive – Qualité – Professionnel. “
Laeticia Ratsirahonana
Chef du Département des Services GénérauxONG Fanamby
” Nous travaillons depuis des années avec FOCUSPrint et l’entreprise a toujours fait part d’un professionnalisme hors du commun. Les délais de livraison sont toujours respectés et la qualité du service et des travaux d’impressions ne nous a jamais déçu. “
Ny Anjara Rafalimanana
Responsable Communication
Printing solutions for
with big ideas
Screen printing is accomplished in two ways, using either flat or rotary screens. Hand screens, commonly called silk-screen printing, are carried out by using flat mesh screens held within a frame. The design image area is reproduced onto the mesh screen. The screen or mesh area is covered with a resist, such as wax, which plugs or blocks all of the screen openings, except in the area of the design image. Ink is then applied to the flat screen.
Fast printing, printing flyers and brochures. Happy with our past. The future development is impressive. Besides, we’re doing it right! Full control print background. Although printing organizations can control many aspects of printing over the Internet, there are some priorities that override newspaper printing. Our value is to benefit all our customers by providing high quality, personalized full color printing services in a comfortable and eco-friendly environment
Fast printing, printing flyers and brochures. Happy with our past. The future development is impressive. Besides, we’re doing it right! Full control print background. Although printing organizations can control many aspects of printing over the Internet, there are some priorities that override newspaper printing. Our value is to benefit all our customers by providing high quality, personalized full color printing services in a comfortable and eco-friendly environment